cut and run


cut and run 的定义

  1. Clear out, escape, desert, as in He wished he could just cut and run. This term originally meant to cut a vessel's anchor cable and make sail at once. By the mid-1800s it was being used figuratively. Charles Dickens had it in Great Expectations: “I'd give a shilling if they had cut and run.” Also see cut out, def. 7.

cut and run 近义词

cut and run

等同于 lam

cut and run

等同于 abscond

cut and run

等同于 make off

cut and run

等同于 part

cut and run

等同于 run

cut and run

等同于 break

cut and run

等同于 absquatulate

cut and run

等同于 hightail

cut and run

等同于 depart

cut and run

等同于 escape

cut and run

等同于 flee

cut and run

等同于 fly

更多cut and run例句

  1. As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.
  2. As this list shows, punishments typically run to a short-ish jail sentence and/or a moderately hefty fine.
  3. Everybody is trapped in an elevator together and tempers run a little hot.
  4. Using standard methods, the cost of printing DNA could run upwards of a billion dollars or more, depending on the strand.
  5. Should lightning strike and Hillary Clinton forgoes a presidential run, Democrats have a nominee in waiting.
  6. If the "Y" Beach lot press their advantage they may cut off the enemy troops on the toe of the Peninsula.
  7. Do not the widow's tears run down the cheek, and her cry against him that causeth them to fall?
  8. A few, very few, little dots had run back over that green patch—the others had passed down into the world of darkness.
  9. But if what I told him were true, he was still at a loss how a kingdom could run out of its estate like a private person.
  10. She also practises etching, pen-and-ink drawing, as well as crayon and water-color sketching.